Monday, March 1, 2010

It's a Wrap!

Round 4 of my Chemo Protocol is now in the books, finished, HISTORY! Only 13 more Rounds to go! It is crucial for me to keep focused on what I have completed rather that what is left to complete. Otherwise I’d surely shoot myself (just an expression!).

After five sessions I’m still feeling OK and have continued eating and drinking. Tomorrow I have my blood work and meet with my doctor. I’m hoping my numbers are not so low that I need to have platelets before I fly home. Remember last time they told me my brain might bleed if I flew with my platelets too low! Geez! Anyway my blood work is scheduled for 7:15 a.m. so if I need blood products they will have plenty of time to schedule it.


  1. June, I am reading your March 1 message on March 4, the day you told me you would be back in Boca. I hope that is true and I will call you tomorrow.

  2. June, glad to hear that you are back home and doing so much better. Mary sends her regards and best wishes. I would love to visit...please call me at 561-901-4219. God bless, Connie
